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Engineering Manager- Application Security, Disney+ Hotstar

Jetzt bewerben Später bewerben Job ID 6d683854-598b-41a1-9b2e-5bdfc5bee502 Standort Bengaluru, Indien Veröffentlichungsdatum 14/06/2023 Unternehmen Disney+ Hotstar


Job Summary
The Security team is hiring Engineering Manager. In this role, you will work with teams that are responsible for the overall Security aspect.

About the team
The security engineering team believes security should be the default when creating new products at Hotstar. Our mission is to create the APIs and frameworks engineers use to abstract away things like data encryption, authentication, abuse detection, and more. We believe security is inherently a software engineering challenge, and that it should be both an enabler and accelerator for engineers. You will lead a team of security engineers solving issues across security and privacy. You will help the team define the "user experience" of security for engineers at Hotstar. 

Reporting to - Senior Principal Manager - Engineering (Cyber Security)

Key Responsibilities

  • The application/Product security team focuses on Application Security and builds tools to help identify and prevent vulnerabilities in Hotstar code.
  • The team hunts down vulnerabilities that are currently present using a combination of penetration testing and design review.
  • Security Engineering is the primary contact for analyzing the security of a given system
  • The vulnerability management team helps identify and understand vulnerabilities in Hotstar's environment in order to make informed security risk decisions and proactively minimize our attack surface
  • Establish security goals across other departments
  • Penetration tests conducted by internal engineers and third-party security firms
  • Providing security training and promoting a culture of security across the engineering and product team
  • Work on unifying security vulnerability management at Hotstar
  • Work with all departments to help them track and understand the risk of vulnerabilities, as well as providing reporting and awareness on vulnerabilities past SLA
  • Work on methodologies to unify risk across all vulnerabilities, and have consistency in reporting/tracking
  • Analyze gaps that could be remediated at scale (scanning/coverage gaps, finding patterns when too many issues of a certain type occur, etc.)
  • Helps to achieve Security compliance

Skills & Attributes for success

  • Relevant engineering work experience and hands-on technical management experience
  • Track record in partnering with recruiting to build incredible engineering teams
  • Actively coached and mentored team members in their careers
  • Been actively involved in setting product security strategy
  • Independently started self-sustaining teams
  • Security engineering ability and experience with architectural patterns of large, high-scale applications
  • Consistently made culture choices that positively impact all of engineering
  • Shipped several large scale projects with multiple dependencies across teams

Preferred Education & Experience

  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field 7+ years of experience as an Individual contribution and  3+ years of experience people management
About Us
Disney+ Hotstar is India’s leading streaming platform that has changed the way Indians watch their entertainment - from their favorite TV shows and movies to sporting extravaganzas. With the widest range of content in India, Disney+ Hotstar offers more than 100,000 hours of TV Shows and Movies in 18 languages and coverage of major global sporting events.

As a mission-driven organization with a relentless focus on our users, we are dedicated to attracting and retaining world-class talent to drive our success.

Über Disney+ Hotstar:

Hotstar ist einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Video-on-Demand-Dienste. Streichen Sie das. Wir sind Hotstar. Das Einstiegsziel für über 100 Millionen aktive Nutzer, die von preisgekrönten englischsprachigen Serien und Filmen über regionale Inhalte bis hin zu Live-Sportarten alles suchen. Unsere Mission besteht darin, Internet-Entertainment durch intelligente Personalisierung zu revolutionieren und eine globale Videoplattform aufzubauen – über die Verbreitung durch das weltweite Web und in der ganzen Welt. Wir sind der Meinung, dass es nur zwei Möglichkeiten gibt, unsere Ziele zu verwirklichen – durch Wagemut oder noch mehr Wagemut.

Über The Walt Disney Company:

Die Walt Disney Company ist zusammen mit ihren Tochtergesellschaften und verbundenen Unternehmen ein führendes, diversifiziertes internationales Familienunterhaltungs- und Medienunternehmen mit folgenden Geschäftsbereichen: Disney Entertainment, ESPN sowie Disney Experiences. Von seinen bescheidenen Anfängen als Zeichentrickfilmstudio in den 1920er Jahren bis zu seiner aktuellen Vorreiterrolle in der Unterhaltungsindustrie trägt Disney stolz sein Erbe weiter und bietet Geschichten und Erlebnisse von Weltklasse, die alle Familienmitglieder bezaubern. Disneys Geschichten, Figuren und Abenteuer erreichen Verbraucher und Gäste aus allen Teilen der Welt. Gemeinsam schaffen unsere Mitarbeiter und Darsteller aus Niederlassungen in über 40 Ländern der Welt Unterhaltungserlebnisse, die sowohl auf globaler Ebene als auch im heimischen Umfeld begeistern.

Diese Position ist bei Novi Digital Entertainment Pvt Ltd, das Teil eines Geschäftssegments ist, das wir Disney+ Hotstar nennen.

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